Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Assessment of Three Government Policies Measures to...

Assessment of Three Government Policies Measures to Increase Labour Mobility Labour mobility refers to the freedom of workers to practice their occupation wherever opportunities exist. This may mean changing occupation (occupational mobility) or moving to work in another area (geographical mobility). A lack of mobility is identified as a cause of structural unemployment. This is where mismatches occur and unemployed workers are unable or unwilling to fill existing vacancies due to the skills shortages- occupational immobility or shortages in particular areas-geographical mobility Governments use various measures to improve mobility .In the UK these include the New Deal, job centres and†¦show more content†¦However it can be argued that the quality of the placements - particularly on environment projects - needs to be improved. Even more fundamental improvement is needed with skills training courses. This because many programmes are still not sufficiently work-based. Too many courses are too lax - or teach inappropriate skills. New incentives must be devised to involve more employers in the schemes. Job centres are created by the government in areas where people go to find jobs which match their skills. Employers in need of labour advertise their vacancies through these centres free of charge. This can solve labour immobility because it gives workers the opportunity to find jobs which match their skills not only in their local areas but throughout the country. However most highly skilled workers do not go to these centres as it is looked down upon as an area for unskilled unemployed people. Also the jobs advertised are low paid so people with aspirations of high wages are very reluctant to come to these places. A method of solving these problems is to improve the quality of jobs being advertised. This may include providing incentives for companies to advertise through the job centres. A policy to improve the geographical mobility is to provide affordable homes in areas where prices of houses areShow MoreRelatedThe Aim Of This Paper Is To Provide An Outline Of Some1434 Words   |  6 Pagessome of the key features of George Osborne’s 2010 emergency budget speech and to provide a prà ©cis of the implications resulting from the measures contained within the budget. The result of the 2010 United Kingdom general election resulted in no single parliamentary majority and thus heralded the formation of the 2010 Conservative – Liberal Democrat coalition government. In choosing to govern in partnership both party leaders declared that their respective political visions would be â€Å"strengthened andRead MoreHow Growth Can Make Us Worse Off1196 Words   |  5 PagesAustralian economy’s economic growth is driven mostly by immigrants rather than natural increase. The business bible shows a growth of average of 1.42 per cent being the weakest in the past 15 years. 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